It’s like Easter, but without the bunny droppings.

So here I am, re-reading through the second chapter of the first volume of Nagnomei when I come across two wonderful things within the same sentence:

-A horrendously amusing typo. (Itā€™s ā€œfootā€, damnit, not ā€œfoodā€!)

-An Easter Egg I left myself when I wrote this section. Naturally I forgot that I ever wrote it, but reading it now I realize just kindaā€¦how cute it is. Maybe some reader someday will catch onto it and get a chuckle themselves, but until then itā€™s nice to know that Iā€™m thinking of myself when I write this dribble? =P

And itā€™s three in the morning. And Iā€™m listening to amazing Zelda music. And Iā€™m working on a fantasy novel. And I have class in the morningā€¦

Confound it. =(